Citizen's Guide: Small Claims Court - How To Bring An Action In Small Claims Court
- Details
- Written by Joan E. Lisante
Step 1: Try To Settle
Your demand letter should include:
- a summary of the facts;
- what you see as the damages; and
- a clear request that the other party pay up by a certain date.
Be sure to include your contact information (phone/fax numbers, e-mail, etc.).
If you reach an agreement, write down terms of settlement. In exchange for paying you the money, the other party may ask you to sign a "release", giving up further claims against him.
If all this is too overwhelming, seek the help of a mediator or arbitrator. Many cases sent from the courtroom to a mediator do get resolved. You can usually find a mediator through the clerk's office of your local court, and some jurisdictions mandate mediation as part of their own procedural process.
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Know My Rights is a 501(c)(3) community-based educational nonprofit organization. Since 2007, we have worked to combat injustices and disparities in our nation's institutions of criminal and civil law by educating the public about their basic legal rights and responsibilities. To achieve our goals, we have developed and implemented the most comprehensive yet simple to understand legal education program anywhere.