Disability Rights
Man Dies From Marijuana
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- Published on Friday, 02 May 2008
- Written by Allen St. Pierre, NORML

Timothy Garon is dead. Why did he die?
The medical records will show that he died due to complications associated with massive liver failure. He would have likely survived longer if he received a timely organ transplant but was denied access because he followed his physician's recommendation, used medical cannabis during his treatments for liver disease, therefore testing positive for THC metabolites and rather than receive the gift of a potentially longer life -- instead doctors at the University of Washington deferred to federal prohibition laws and mores, handing Tim a death sentence.
TSA Refused To Hire Air Force Veteran As Baggage Screener Because He Has HIV
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- Published on Thursday, 11 June 2009
- Written by Brandon Hensler, ACLU Florida
The American Civil Liberties Union today filed a complaint with the Transportation Security Administration on behalf of an Air Force Veteran who was refused a job as a baggage screener with the Transportation Security Administration because he has HIV, charging that the TSA is in violation of its own policy barring discrimination against people with disabilities.
The Hinchey Amendment: Medical Marijuana Back In Congress
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- Published on Monday, 05 May 2008
- Written by Know My Rights
This summer Congress will be voting on the Hinchey Amendment. The bill would stop federal tax dollars from being used to arrest patients who use medical marijuana. Last year the Hinchey Amendment received 165 votes, short of the 218 needed for the bill to pass the House of Representatives.
1st Circuit Ruling Helps Working Moms
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- Published on Friday, 27 March 2009
- Written by Martha Neil, ABA Journal
Workplace discrimination against pregnant women and women with children is commonplace, many suspect, but hard to prove, but a decision yesterday by the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals may offer some relief. Reversing a dismissal, by a federal judge in Maine, the appeals court said plaintiff Laurie Chadwick had pleaded enough to allow her federal sex discrimination complaint to proceed to trial.
New York State Drug Laws Switch Focus To Treatment
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- Published on Friday, 27 March 2009
- Written by NY1 News
Albany lawmakers reached a deal that will repeal much of what remains of the state's 1970s-era Rockefeller drug laws and replace it with a program based around rehabilitation. Over the past 36 years, the current laws have proven to be ineffective and not serve justice, leading to a revolving door in a constant cycle of arrest and abuse. The changes are based on a shift in thinking: drug addiction is a treatable illness, and services will switch from being focused on punishment to being focused on treatment.
Medical Marijuana Policy May Change Under Obama
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- Published on Saturday, 07 February 2009
- Written by Devlin Barrett, AP
The White House won't say it explicitly. Neither will the Drug Enforcement Administration. Yet there is a whiff in the air that U.S. policy is about to change when it comes to medical marijuana. "The president believes that federal resources should not be used to circumvent state laws" said White House spokesman Nick Shapiro.
Congress Betters ADA
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- Published on Sunday, 04 January 2009
- Written by Steve Lash, Daily Record
In response to what many saw as a weakening of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act by the courts, Congress has broadened the definition of disability as a means to provide greater protection against discrimination for employees and job applicants. The changes went into effect Jan. 1. This change puts the burden on employers to focus less on whether an employee is disabled and more on providing accommodations.
Abuse Of Disabled Parking At Miami Airport
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- Published on Thursday, 10 April 2008
- Written by Fox News, WSVN 7
Officials launched an investigation after discovering that the disabled parking spaces at a South Florida airport was being occupied by healthy airport employees.
Elementary School Teacher Mocks Disabled Student
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- Published on Tuesday, 01 April 2008
- Written by CBS News 12
School police are investigating a teacher at Canal Point Elementary. Sixth grade teacher Linda Rease allegedly humiliated and mocked a physically-challenged boy in her class March 14.
Criminal Charges Filed Against Sheriff's Deputy Who Dumped Quadriplegic Man Out Of Wheelchair
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- Published on Wednesday, 19 March 2008
- Written by Associated Press
A sheriff's deputy who was videotaped dumping a paralyzed man from a wheelchair onto a jailhouse floor has been charged with abuse of a disabled person, a sheriff's official said.