Videos Mon, 31 Mar 2025 17:21:46 -0400 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb Cyberbullying: There Is A Way Out!

Wow, a super simple set of steps to stop cyberbullying from happening to your kid...

]]> (Delete Cyberbullying) Videos Tue, 19 Nov 2013 01:58:09 -0500
Online Harassment: What Drives It and How It Lowers Visions

Media Evolution: The Conference is an international conference organized annually in Malmö, Sweden. On August 21, 2013 Anita Sarkeesian, Kate Miltner and Laurie Penny spoke at a session entitled "Online Harassment: What Drives It and How It Lowers Visions". The harassment of people online is emerging as one of the biggest issues on the internet. It's a topic that thankfully has gained much attention in the media recently. In this session we want to examine what the drivers of hate online are and why it's so important to work against it.

]]> (Media Evolution) Videos Thu, 22 Aug 2013 00:15:31 -0400
The Supreme Court Did WHAT To The 5th Amendment?!

While it's great that we're celebrating some major victories for civil rights this Supreme Court term, it's important to remember that not everything they do is great. I'm just as excited about the end of DOMA as the next person, but even aside from the horrible Voting Rights Act decision, here's a serious reality check and a reminder that we can never stop fighting for our rights...

]]> (Lori Harfenist, RT) Videos Thu, 20 Jun 2013 21:01:43 -0400
PSA: Don't Tread On Me

Don't Tread on Me: A public service announcement from Yasiin Bey (formerly known as Mos Def) on the harmful impact of stop-and-frisk on communities and how New Yorkers are taking the fight for their rights to the courts.

]]> (Yasiin Bey (Mos Def)) Videos Wed, 22 May 2013 00:25:28 -0400
The Three Worst Cases Of Police Abuse In 2011

Reason.TV's Nick Gillespie talked with Reason columnist Radley Balko, proprietor of The Agitator and a long-time student of the increasing militarization of police. We asked Balko to talk about what he thinks are the three most shocking videos of police abuse that have come to light so far in 2011. Due to the violence depicted and discussed in this video, viewer discretion is advised.

]]> (Radley Balko) Videos Mon, 28 Mar 2011 20:18:00 -0400
Don't Talk To The Police... EVER!

James Duane, a law school professor and former criminal defense attorney, tells us why we should never agree to be interviewed by the police... EVER!

]]> (James Duane) Videos Tue, 03 Jun 2008 23:50:32 -0400
Rogue Cops In The United Police States Of America

Everyone can see the epidemic! Unregulated, unrestrained rogue police officers like these run rampant, and are unquestionably the most dangerous people in our society. Now is the time for decisions to be made. Now is the time for change!

]]> (Josh Tolley) Videos Wed, 06 Mar 2013 03:15:06 -0500
The Definitive Response To Jerks Asking, 'But What About White History Month?'

Every February, some white people ask "Why is there no White History Month?" In response, I'm examining the concepts of equality, privilege, and economic class in terms that even the most ignorant should be able to understand. You're welcome, fellow white people.

]]> (Chris Menning, Videos Wed, 06 Feb 2013 02:53:53 -0500
Why Fox News Has The Right To Lie To Us

Ever wonder why it is that Fox News can lie over and over again, yet continue to call itself "NEWS"? It's because Fox News is a corporation, and ever since that 1886 Supreme Court case of Southern Pacific Railroad v. Santa Clara County when a rogue court reporter named JC Bancroft Davis slipped corporate personhood into the legal record, the courts have ruled time and time again that corporations -- since they have all the rights that actual people have -- could also lie just like people can.

]]> (Thom Hartmann, RT) Videos Tue, 26 Jul 2011 05:19:27 -0400
Get Nana A Gun!

Are you still trying to figure out what the deal is with all these "Voter ID" laws popping up all over the place? Don't stress. Let our good friend Sarah explain what it's really all about!

]]> (Sarah Silverman) Videos Fri, 21 Sep 2012 22:33:46 -0400
So You Stole A VCR From Sears One Time In 1990. Should You Really STILL Be In Jail?

For a country that brands itself as the "land of the free" we certainly seem to have a lot of prisoners. Let's just check and see... Yep... We have more prisoners than any other country in the entire world. If our prison system were a boat, it'd be the kind that is taking on water and has no way to get the water out. And that kind of boat sinks!

]]> (Rollie Williams) Videos Mon, 19 Nov 2012 22:56:08 -0500