Misconduct & Accountability http://www.knowmyrights.org/misconduct-accountability Sun, 30 Mar 2025 09:58:22 -0400 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb Obama Was Right About The Gates Arrest http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/obama-was-right-about-gates-arrest http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/obama-was-right-about-gates-arrest

On Thursday, President Obama weighed in on the arrest of African-American Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, saying a Cambridge police officer "acted stupidly" when he arrested Gates for disorderly conduct. The next day, Obama backed down from his harsh comment. Obama was right the first time!

admin@knowmyrights.org (Adam Winkler, Huffington Post) Misconduct & Accountability Sat, 25 Jul 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Police Stop More Than 1 Million People Just Walking Down The Street http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/police-stop-people-without-cause http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/police-stop-people-without-cause

A teenager trying to get into his apartment after school is confronted by police. A man leaving his workplace chooses a different route back home to avoid officers who roam a particular street. These and hundreds of thousands of other Americans in big cities have been stopped on the street by police using a law-enforcement practice called stop-and-frisk...

admin@knowmyrights.org (Colleen Long, AP) Misconduct & Accountability Thu, 08 Oct 2009 08:00:00 -0400
The Truth Will Set You Free, But Only If You Have It On Video http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/the-truth-will-set-you-free http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/the-truth-will-set-you-free

If not for video, these two innocent men would have likely been sent to prison. Instead, they are free, and hopefully the crooked NYPD cops who framed them will be the ones behind bars. Need more proof that video is a necessary part of the solution to police misconduct?

admin@knowmyrights.org (Steven Silverman, FYR) Misconduct & Accountability Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Hollywood Officers Accused Of Faking Report In Crash http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/hollywood-officers-accused-of-faking-report-in-crash http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/hollywood-officers-accused-of-faking-report-in-crash

Four Hollywood police officers are on administrative duty pending investigations into allegations that they doctored a report of a DUI accident in February. The police officer rear-ended another vehicle and then arrested the driver of the vehicle he hit for DUI, claiming he smelled alcohol in the car. He and three other police officers then concocted a story about the woman being distracted by a stray caught, causing her to abruptly change lanes in front of the police officer and slam on her brakes. Fortunately for the police officers' intended victim, their discussion about what to say in the official report was recorded by the police car's dash cam.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Tonya Alanez, Sun-Sentinel) Misconduct & Accountability Wed, 29 Jul 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Bad Cops Caught On Camera http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/bad-cops-caught-on-camera http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/bad-cops-caught-on-camera

Surveillance cameras are great for catching bad guys red-handed. Unfortunately, far too often, the outrageous crimes caught on camera are committed by police officers. As video technology becomes cheaper and more ubiquitous, examples of gratuitous police brutality, cover-ups and false arrests emerge on a routine basis. Just look at what these videos revealed...

admin@knowmyrights.org (Scott Morgan, FYR) Misconduct & Accountability Mon, 08 Jun 2009 08:00:00 -0400
AIG Wants Taxpayer Dollars To Pay Out Another $250 Million In Bonuses http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/aig-wants-taxpayer-dollars-to-pay-another-250-million-in-bonuses http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/aig-wants-taxpayer-dollars-to-pay-another-250-million-in-bonuses

American International Group's recent discussions with President Obama's compensation czar have centered on whether the company should pay about $250 million in bonuses that come due during the next nine months. AIG has asked the government to rule on several categories of bonuses, including millions of dollars in payments to top corporate executives.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Dennis Brady, Washington Post) Misconduct & Accountability Fri, 10 Jul 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Government Records About The Treatment Of Detainees At Bagram Should Be Released http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/bagram-records-should-be-released http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/bagram-records-should-be-released

Last week, the ACLU filed a Freedom of Information Act request seeking records about the detention and treatment of prisoners in U.S. custody at the Bagram Airfield prison in Afghanistan. The ACLU is requesting release of basic information, including how many people are imprisoned at Bagram, who they are, how long they've been detained, and where and under what circumstances they were captured. We're also requesting records about the process for prisoners to challenge their detention and designation as "enemy combatants."

admin@knowmyrights.org (ACLU) Misconduct & Accountability Fri, 01 May 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Illinois Law School Got Scholarship Cash For Clout Admissions http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/illinois-law-school-got-scholarship-cash-for-clout-admissions http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/illinois-law-school-got-scholarship-cash-for-clout-admissions

The University of Illinois law school got $300,000 in university scholarship money in exchange for admitting politically connected applicants, according to newly released documents obtained by a Chicago newspaper. Law school officials sought the money to counteract the negative drag on the school's ranking by U.S. News & World Report that would be caused by admitting applicants with lower grades and LSAT scores.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Debra Cassens Weiss, ABA Journal) Misconduct & Accountability Thu, 09 Jul 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Obama Answers Questions On Torture, But What About Accountability? http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/obama-bush-torture-accountability http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/obama-bush-torture-accountability

On Wednesday, President Obama marked 100 days in office. Without a doubt, the Obama administration has a markedly different tone and attitude towards the rule of law and transparency, and should be commended for the steps taken to end unlawful Bush-era national security policies, including...

admin@knowmyrights.org (ACLU) Misconduct & Accountability Fri, 01 May 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Brothers Found Video Evidence To Prove Cops Framed Them http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/brothers-found-video-evidence-to-prove-cops-framed-them http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/brothers-found-video-evidence-to-prove-cops-framed-them

When undercover detectives busted Jose and Maximo Colon last year for selling cocaine at a seedy club in Queens, there was a glaring problem: The brothers hadn't done anything wrong. But proclaiming innocence wasn't going to be good enough. The Dominican immigrants needed proof.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Tom Hays & Colleen Long, AP) Misconduct & Accountability Sat, 13 Jun 2009 08:00:00 -0400
More Than 250,000 People Demand Accountability For Torture http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/people-demand-torture-accountability http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/people-demand-torture-accountability

Attorney General Eric Holder heard the voices of more than a quarter million Americans who called on him to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate torture and detainee abuse. ACLU activists and members of the Stop Torture Now coalition delivered more than 250,000 petition signatures to the Attorney General during a Justice Department budget hearing on Capitol Hill. The pressure from concerned citizens like you on members of Congress made sure Holder was asked tough questions about the recently released torture memos and his plan to seek accountability.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Jeani Murray, ACLU) Misconduct & Accountability Fri, 01 May 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Unarmed Tourist Shot And Killed By Miami Beach Police http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/unarmed-tourist-shot-and-killed-by-miami-beach-police http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/unarmed-tourist-shot-and-killed-by-miami-beach-police

Last weekend's shooting death of a tourist visiting Miami Beach has drawn national attention from Arab-American groups and others who are planning a gathering Friday night in front of the Miami Beach police headquarters to denounce Miami Beach police over the shooting death of Husien Shehada, a 29-year-old Palestinian American, who was unarmed and in Miami Beach on vacation with his brother and their girlfriends.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Miami Herald) Misconduct & Accountability Fri, 19 Jun 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Bush's House Of Cards Begins To Fall http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/bush-house-of-cards-begins-to-fall http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/bush-house-of-cards-begins-to-fall

The Bush administration built an elaborate house of cards to justify torture, but thanks in part to some recent ACLU victories, the house of cards is finally beginning to fall. Over the last few weeks, we've secured the release of the Bush administration's torture memos and won an important appeals court ruling in our challenge to Jeppesen DataPlan's involvement in the CIA's rendition program. We are also anticipating the release of torture photographs that the Bush administration managed to suppress for years.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Jameel Jaffer, ACLU) Misconduct & Accountability Fri, 01 May 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Admissions Policies At University Of Illinois Under Investigation http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/investigation-of-university-illinois-admissions http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/investigation-of-university-illinois-admissions

Gov. Patrick J. Quinn of Illinois appointed a panel on Wednesday to investigate accusations that the University of Illinois admitted hundreds of applicants based largely on their political connections. The Admissions Review Commission would look into 800 applicants who won spots at the university's Urbana-Champaign campus after intervention from state lawmakers and university trustees.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Karen Ann Cullotta, NY Times) Misconduct & Accountability Wed, 10 Jun 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Blaming The Victim http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/blaming-the-victim http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/blaming-the-victim

I wrote recently about the pending Supreme Court case stemming from the strip search of a 13 year-old student. School officials suspected Savana Redding of possessing prescription ibuprofen (yes, that's Advil), so they searched from head to toe, including her underwear. Nothing was found. Along with highlighting some interesting legal issues, the case reveals a great deal about the general lack of respect for students' rights that is all too common in our schools. This passage in the New York Times caught my attention...

admin@knowmyrights.org (Scott Morgan, FYR) Misconduct & Accountability Tue, 07 Apr 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Public Defender Offices In Crisis, And Defendants Are Paying The Price http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/public-defender-offices-in-crisis http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/public-defender-offices-in-crisis

The accused, their lawyers, and even prosecutors agree that courts increasingly neglect their constitutional duties. In a series of Capitol Hill hearings, the latest scheduled for this week, congress members are struggling to grasp the enormity of the crisis. But the options are far from clear, particularly when virtually every state and local government is crying poor. Meanwhile, defendants suffer...

admin@knowmyrights.org (Deborah Hastings, AP) Misconduct & Accountability Wed, 03 Jun 2009 08:00:00 -0400
No Penalties For Torture? http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/no-penalties-for-torture http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/no-penalties-for-torture

Disturbing secret memos released yesterday detail the sadistic interrogation methods the Bush administration authorized the CIA to use on detainees. These memos provide shocking confirmation of high-level involvement in the Bush torture program. It's appalling to see how far our nation strayed from our commitment to human rights. To restore our values we must demand accountability from those responsible.

admin@knowmyrights.org (ACLU) Misconduct & Accountability Fri, 17 Apr 2009 08:00:00 -0400
U.S. Resists Order In Wiretapping Case http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/us-resists-order-in-wiretapping-case http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/us-resists-order-in-wiretapping-case

The Obama administration says it has no obligation to provide access to a top-secret document in a wiretapping case, setting up a showdown with the judge who ordered that it be released.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Associated Press) Misconduct & Accountability Sat, 30 May 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Police Stealing From Innocent People http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/asset-forfeiture-police-stealing http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/asset-forfeiture-police-stealing

Asset forfeiture laws allow police to confiscate property which is believed to have been obtained through criminal activity. The idea is that people who break the law shouldn't be allowed to profit from their crimes. As the struggling economy takes its toll on local law-enforcement budgets, police face an increased temptation to abuse their forfeiture powers. Mix in a little racial profiling and the situation quickly escalates into a shocking pattern of gratuitous civil rights abuses.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Scott Morgan, FYR) Misconduct & Accountability Tue, 24 Mar 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Baptist Pastor Attacked After Refusing Police Search http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/baptist-pastor-attacked-after-refusing-police-search http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/baptist-pastor-attacked-after-refusing-police-search

It is precisely because too many police officers continue to recklessly disregard the basic rights of innocent people that we must make sure all citizens have the tools to confidently assert their rights if they choose to do so. This incident will likely culminate in a high-profile lawsuit that could change the way similar situations are handled in the future. If it weren't for this man's decision to flex his rights, there's no question that the officers he encountered would be out there right now abusing other people, instead of being investigated for civil rights violations.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Scott Morgan, FYR) Misconduct & Accountability Mon, 20 Apr 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Why Do Police Abuse Their Power? http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/why-do-police-abuse-power http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/why-do-police-abuse-power

Bad examples from other officers, bad incentives from the department and, of course, the constant pressure of the job itself all contribute to police misconduct. There's nothing surprising about any of that. What I have a difficult time understanding is the tendency of police officers who obey the law to look the other way when their colleagues do not. The very notion of police covering for one another's misdeeds shocks the conscience and perverts the role of law-enforcement in a free society.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Scott Morgan, FYR) Misconduct & Accountability Mon, 16 Mar 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Supreme Court May Decide Florida Taser Case http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/supreme-court-may-decide-florida-taser-case http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/supreme-court-may-decide-florida-taser-case

The U.S. Supreme Court has never heard a case on excessive use of force with Tasers by police officers, but that may change soon. In February, the ACLU of Florida filed a certiorari petition asking the U.S. Supreme Court to rule that a law enforcement officer's excessive use of force with a Taser is unconstitutional. The Taser abuse incident was captured by a video camera mounted on the patrol car dashboard of the Washington County, Florida Sheriff's Deputy, Jonathan Rackard.

admin@knowmyrights.org (ACLU Florida) Misconduct & Accountability Fri, 03 Apr 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Police Brutality: Deal With It http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/police-brutality-deal-with-it http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/police-brutality-deal-with-it

During my rookie days back in the sixties as a San Diego police officer I used excessive force, more than once. I remember most of the incidents, though I'm sure I've conveniently forgotten some. I'm ashamed, wish to hell I hadn't done it. But I did, and visceral memories of these incidents help shape an answer to the question of why certain cops engage in brutal behavior, and others don't.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Norm Stamper, Huffington Post) Misconduct & Accountability Tue, 10 Mar 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Despite Red Flags About Judges, Kickback Scheme Flourished http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/juvenille-court-judges-taking-kickbacks-for-harsher-sentences http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/juvenille-court-judges-taking-kickbacks-for-harsher-sentences

Things were different in the Luzerne County juvenile courtroom, and everyone knew it. Proceedings on average took less than two minutes. Detention center workers were told in advance how many juveniles to expect at the end of each day -- even before hearings to determine their innocence or guilt. Lawyers told families not to bother hiring them. They would not be allowed to speak anyway. "The judge's whim is all that mattered in that courtroom . . . The law was basically irrelevant."

admin@knowmyrights.org (Ian Urbina, NY Times) Misconduct & Accountability Fri, 27 Mar 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Pardoning Torture http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/pardoning-torture http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/pardoning-torture

There's a real risk that President Bush may issue pardons to a number of high-ranking Administration officials for any activities related to torture, extraordinary rendition and other abuses. That's right. Even before they're charged with a crime, Bush has the power to prevent any criminal investigation into the activities of Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Gonzales and others whose behavior raises serious questions. We must make it clear that preemptive pardons aimed at letting high-ranking officials escape accountability for undermining the Constitution and violating the law go against American values of justice and due process.

admin@knowmyrights.org (ACLU) Misconduct & Accountability Fri, 05 Dec 2008 21:54:10 -0500
VIDEO: Deputy Attacking Young Girl http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/deputy-attacks-young-girl http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/deputy-attacks-young-girl

A King County sheriff's deputy kicks a 15-year-old girl, slams her to the floor of a jail cell, strikes her and pulls her hair in violence captured on videotape. Prosecutors released the surveillance video in Friday in the assault case against Deputy Paul Schene, who is accused of using excessive force on the girl.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Huffington Post) Misconduct & Accountability Sat, 28 Feb 2009 08:00:00 -0500
Philadelphia Looks More Like Communist Russia http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/philadelphia-looks-more-like-communist-russia http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/philadelphia-looks-more-like-communist-russia

When Mayor Nutter announced late last year that he was hiring D.C. Charles Ramsey as his police commissioner, I said I would keep an open mind but I was dismayed at his treatment of anti-war protesters and his frequent clashes there over civil rights. So far, I've been mostly impressed with Ramsey -- murders have dropped slightly while he's taken a tough line on police brutality. That said, I find the detainment of four community activists in the Francisville neighborhood to be more than a little alarming. The only thing that's clear from what's come out so far is that the four oppose police surveillance cameras. What's not clear is what laws they allegedly violated -- they ultimately were not charged with anything...

admin@knowmyrights.org (Will Bunch, Philadelphia Daily News) Misconduct & Accountability Mon, 23 Jun 2008 04:11:47 -0400
Rachel's Law Passes Senate Committee http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/rachels-law-passes-senate-committee http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/rachels-law-passes-senate-committee

A push to regulate the use of confidential informants cleared an important hurdle on Wednesday, but only after the heart-wrenching pleas of a grieving father left some lawmakers wondering whether "Rachel's Law" goes far enough. Pausing frequently to choke back tears, Irv Hoffman pleaded with lawmakers to provide greater protections for young people like his daughter, who get in trouble with the law and are willing to, "do anything to escape prosecution."

admin@knowmyrights.org (Jim Ash, Tallahassee Democrat) Misconduct & Accountability Wed, 18 Mar 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Miami Edison Attack: Not Gone, But Almost Forgotten http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/miami-edison-attack-not-gone-but-almost-forgotten http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/miami-edison-attack-not-gone-but-almost-forgotten

It has been roughly one week since the violence and protest at Miami's Edison High School -- the media has all but forgotten what transpired there, and even the community's outcries have softened. Surely, last week's events still burn in the memories of the student who was attacked by Assistant Principal Perez, the approximately 25 students who were attacked by police and certainly in the thoughts of the 19 students who were arrested. Granted, 18 of those 19 students were released from juvenile detention following the community's protest last Monday morning, but even that gesture is one short and barely scratches the surface of the rallying students' long (but not wholly unreasonable) list of demands.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Know My Rights) Misconduct & Accountability Sat, 15 Mar 2008 13:00:00 -0400
House Committee Approves 'Rachel's Law' For Confidential Informants http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/house-approves-rachels-law http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/house-approves-rachels-law

A "Rachel's Law" compromise sailed through House committee this morning. The legislation, named for 23-year-old Rachel Hoffman who was killed in a botched drug sting while working as a confidential informant, aims to provide better protection and more standard regulation for informants.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Tallahassee Democrat) Misconduct & Accountability Tue, 17 Mar 2009 08:00:00 -0400
Government Attempts To Subvert The Constitution http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/attempts-to-subvert-constitution http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/attempts-to-subvert-constitution

On Monday [July 21, 2008], Bush's Attorney General, Michael Mukasey, called on Congress to take dramatic steps to subvert the Constitution. Mukasey is demanding that Congress issue a new declaration of war that would make the entire globe -- including the United States itself -- a "battlefield" where the president decides who will be locked up forever. Instead of ending the Bush system of injustice, he wants Congress to make it permanent.

admin@knowmyrights.org (ACLU) Misconduct & Accountability Fri, 25 Jul 2008 03:20:47 -0400
Rachel's Law To Protect Police Informants Nears Compromise http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/rachels-law-nears-compromise http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/rachels-law-nears-compromise

A last-minute deal with the state's most powerful law-enforcement agencies may rescue a bill known as "Rachel's Law" that sought to tighten oversight for the use of confidential informants. The measure is named after 23-year-old Rachel Hoffman, a recent Florida State University graduate who was killed last year working as an informant in an undercover drug sting for the Tallahassee Police Department.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Jim Ash, Tallahassee Democrat) Misconduct & Accountability Wed, 04 Mar 2009 08:00:00 -0500
Arrest & Detention Fuels ICE Debate http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/arrest-detention-fuels-ice-debate http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/arrest-detention-fuels-ice-debate

Police paid little attention to the domestic assault call to which they were responding when they arrested Rita Cote, who had no part in the assault. Cote, a 23-year-old mother of three U.S.-born children, was held for more than a week before the Lake County Sheriff's Office notified immigration authorities. Civil rights attorneys say the detention violated her rights, and advocates are calling for an end to arrests of immigrants by local police. The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida filed a petition in federal court alleging violations of Cote's constitutional rights. But before the case was heard, the woman was released to Border Patrol agents, effectively circumventing habeas corpus.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Victor Manuel Ramos, Orlando Sentinel) Misconduct & Accountability Wed, 25 Feb 2009 08:00:00 -0500
To Tase Or Not To Tase http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/to-tase-or-not-to-tase http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/to-tase-or-not-to-tase

In a petition submitted to the United States Supreme Court on Tuesday, the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida asked the nine Supreme Court Justices to rule that a law enforcement officer's excessive use of force with a Taser is unconstitutional. The case offers the Supreme Court its first opportunity to address Taser abuse in an incident captured by a video camera mounted on the patrol car dashboard of the Washington County, Florida Sheriff's Deputy, Jonathan Rackard.

admin@knowmyrights.org (ACLU Florida) Misconduct & Accountability Thu, 05 Feb 2009 08:00:00 -0500
Airlines Use Terrorism Law To Punish Unruly Passengers http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/in-flight-confrontations-charged-as-terrorism http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/in-flight-confrontations-charged-as-terrorism

At least 200 airline passengers have been convicted of a felony for violating a terrorism law since 2003, many of them for incidents that involved merely yelling, spouting profanities or acting in a drunken manner. Rarely did the cases involve a threat to hijack a plane or physical attacks on flight personnel. One woman, Tamera Jo Freeman, spent three months in jail and lost custody of her children for an altercation with a flight attendant.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Ralph Vartabedian and Peter Pae, LA Times) Misconduct & Accountability Tue, 20 Jan 2009 08:00:00 -0500
Racial Profiling Gets Unarmed Man Shot http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/racial-profiling-gets-unarmed-man-shot http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/racial-profiling-gets-unarmed-man-shot

Robbie Tolan, son of baseball player Bobby Tolan, was shot by police for allegedly trying to steal his own car from his own driveway while trespassing on his own property. Police cannot explain what made these officers believe any criminal conduct was taking place, but public opinion blames racial profiling -- a claim which the police department denies.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Ed Lavandera, CNN) Misconduct & Accountability Thu, 08 Jan 2009 08:00:00 -0500
Unarmed Man Shot In The Back While Detained Face Down http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/unarmed-man-shot-in-back http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/unarmed-man-shot-in-back

A 22-year-old unarmed man, suspected of being involved in a subway train scuffle, is dragged face down by police, and after being roughed up, shot in the back as other officers watched.The family intends to file a $25 million lawsuit, and is urging prosecutors to file murder charges against the officer.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Sean Maher, Oakland Tribune) Misconduct & Accountability Sun, 04 Jan 2009 08:00:00 -0500
Undercover Police Arrest Innocent Man & Kill His Pet http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/undercover-police-kill-mans-pet http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/undercover-police-kill-mans-pet

Plainclothes San Diego cops, without a search warrant, surround and surveil a home as a suspected meth lab (which it turned out not to be). When the family dog goes out to inspect them they shoot it, then arrest the owner for assaulting officers, who at the time of the shooting still had not identified themselves, with a deadly weapon -- the dog.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Kelly Davis, San Diego City Beat) Misconduct & Accountability Tue, 09 Dec 2008 08:00:00 -0500
'Non-Lethal' Tasers Killed 400 In US & Canada, 2001-2008 http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/taser-deaths-us-canada http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/taser-deaths-us-canada

They are marketed as non-lethal weapons that allow police to capture suspects or criminals without causing any permanent harm, but Tasers have killed more than 400 people in the United States and Canada since 2001, according to a new study commissioned by the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Police departments across Canada began banning use of tasers. Will the U.S. follow suit?

admin@knowmyrights.org (Andrew McLemore, Raw Story) Misconduct & Accountability Sat, 13 Dec 2008 08:00:00 -0500
Police Taser Man In Diabetic Shock http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/police-taser-man-in-diabetic-shock http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/police-taser-man-in-diabetic-shock

Luckily for a driver who went into severe diabetic shock last month in Oklahoma, police arrived on the scene and called in an ambulance . . . But not before they tasered and handcuffed him!

admin@knowmyrights.org (John Byrne, Raw Story) Misconduct & Accountability Tue, 09 Dec 2008 08:00:00 -0500
Roanoke Police Forcefully Enter Man's Home, Attack Him, And Arrest On False Charges http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/10m-suit-filed-against-police http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/10m-suit-filed-against-police

A Roanoke man is asking for $10 million in a federal lawsuit that says city police officers improperly arrested him. According to the lawsuit, officers pushed into the house, seized him, dragged him outside and charged him with being drunk in public. The public intoxication charge was later dismissed.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Mike Gangloff, Roanoke Times) Misconduct & Accountability Thu, 27 Nov 2008 08:00:00 -0500
Hatians Treated Unfairly http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/hatians-treated-unfairly http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/hatians-treated-unfairly

Louiness, a 31-year-old baker, waits at the Glades detention facility in Central Florida to be sent to a country he hasn't seen in a decade, where no one waits for him. His 27-year-old bride in Miami tries to make sense of a senseless immigration law that would deport a law-abiding, working man because he had an old asylum petition denied. Never mind that he is married to a U.S. citizen, that he had, in good faith, filed for legal status and had shown up for the interview at the Citizenship and Immigration Services office when he was hauled away like a common criminal.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Myriam Marquez, Miami Herald) Misconduct & Accountability Mon, 05 Jan 2009 06:53:23 -0500
Blagojevich Arrested http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/blagojevich-arrested http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/blagojevich-arrested

Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich appeared in court Tuesday afternoon to hear federal corruption charges against him. He was released on $4,500 bail. FBI agents arrested Blagojevich and his chief of staff, John Harris, early Tuesday on federal corruption charges related in part to the selection of President-elect Barack Obama's successor to the Senate, the U.S. attorney's office said.

admin@knowmyrights.org (CNN) Misconduct & Accountability Wed, 10 Dec 2008 01:33:14 -0500
Father of NFL Player Claims Houston PD Officers Beat Him http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/houston-pd-beating http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/houston-pd-beating

The father of an NFL star claims he was brutally beating by Houston police officers. Marvin Driver, Jr., father of Green Bay Packers Pro-bowl wide receiver Donald Driver, claims the attack took place Sunday. Around 2 a.m., Marvin Driver was stopped by police for four outstanding traffic warrants. He was taken into custody and then less than an hour later, he was rushed to the emergency room.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Fox News, Houston) Misconduct & Accountability Fri, 21 Nov 2008 01:28:38 -0500
Exposed: NSA Spying http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/exposed-nsa-spying-on-innocent-americans http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/exposed-nsa-spying-on-innocent-americans

Reports all over the media yesterday and today confirm what we've known all along. Surveillance programs touted as critical to protect national security have in fact been used to monitor the private communications of innocent Americans abroad, including humanitarian workers and U.S. service-members. Two former military intercept operators -- the people at the National Security Agency (NSA) who actually listen in to people's calls -- revealed the news in an ABC report released yesterday.

admin@knowmyrights.org (ACLU) Misconduct & Accountability Sat, 11 Oct 2008 20:33:57 -0400
Police Brutality at ECU http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/police-brutality-at-ecu http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/police-brutality-at-ecu

There's an investigation tonight into what some are calling police brutality at the ECU-West Virginia game last night. The nationally televised game not only captured excited fans storming the field, but law enforcement grabbing, body-slamming and punching fans as they ran by.

admin@knowmyrights.org (NCB-WITN) Misconduct & Accountability Tue, 09 Sep 2008 23:06:31 -0400
Cyclist Attacked by NYPD http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/cyclist-attacked-by-nypd http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/cyclist-attacked-by-nypd

A police officer shown on video body-checking a bicyclist who was riding as part of a demonstration was stripped of his badge and gun Monday. The incident occurred Friday evening in Times Square at the Critical Mass ride, a monthly protest of urban reliance on motor vehicles. The video clip, posted anonymously on the Internet on Sunday, shows the officer standing in the street as bikes whiz past. The officer moves toward the cyclist, identified in a criminal complaint as Christopher Long, and violently knocks him to the ground in front of crowds of people. Another officer comes over, and the two officers wrestle with Long before handcuffing him.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Associated Press) Misconduct & Accountability Wed, 13 Aug 2008 05:40:56 -0400
Tased 9 Times And Killed By Police http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/tased-nine-times-and-killed http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/tased-nine-times-and-killed

A police officer shocked a handcuffed Baron "Scooter" Pikes nine times with a Taser after arresting him on a cocaine charge. He stopped twitching after seven, according to a coroner's report. Soon afterward, Pikes was dead. Now the officer, since fired, could end up facing criminal charges in Pikes' January death after medical examiners ruled it a homicide. Dr. Randolph Williams, the Winn Parish coroner, told CNN the 21-year-old sawmill worker was jolted so many times by the 50,000-volt Taser that he might have been dead before the last two shocks were delivered. Williams ruled Pikes' death a homicide in June after extensive study.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Drew Griffin and David Fitzpatrick, CNN) Misconduct & Accountability Fri, 25 Jul 2008 03:01:30 -0400
The Police And Tasers http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/the-police-and-tasers http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/the-police-and-tasers

New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly is eager to make the use of firearms a last resort for his officers. Now, based on a recommendation from the RAND Corporation, he and his top lieutenants are considering arming more New York police officers with a less lethal but still controversial weapon -- the Taser. Mr. Kelly has concerns about the device, which delivers a jolt of electricity meant to temporarily incapacitate the target. He is right to move with caution.

admin@knowmyrights.org (NY Times) Misconduct & Accountability Thu, 26 Jun 2008 10:31:18 -0400
Money For Dishwasher, Lesson For Government http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/money-for-dishwasher-lesson-for-government http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/money-for-dishwasher-lesson-for-government

After nearly three years of misguided prosecution and wasted tax dollars, the federal government finally appears to have lost its bid to seize the life savings of a Guatemalan dishwasher.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Palm Beach Post) Misconduct & Accountability Thu, 26 Jun 2008 10:18:36 -0400
Police Raid Questioned http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/police-raid-questioned http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/police-raid-questioned

Daniel Moffat is searching for answers. He wants to know why Philadelphia police raided his Francisville home Friday without a warrant, and why the Department of Licenses and Inspections subsequently boarded it up. Outside City Hall yesterday, Moffat and one of his roommates were joined by about 150 people at a rally, where they called the Police Department's actions "illegal."

admin@knowmyrights.org (Kia Gregory, Inquirer) Misconduct & Accountability Mon, 23 Jun 2008 04:37:40 -0400
Philly Cops Target Young Activists http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/philly-cops-target-young-activists http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/philly-cops-target-young-activists

Four young residents of a North Philadelphia house who circulated petitions questioning police-surveillance cameras were rousted from their home Friday and detained 12 hours without charges while police searched their house. Daniel Moffat, 28, a co-owner of the house, said police had no warrant when they entered. The house was examined by officials from several government agencies and then shuttered by the city's Department of Licenses and Inspections. "This leaves me homeless, without access to things I need. My whole life is disrupted."

admin@knowmyrights.org (Dave Davies, Philadelphia Daily News) Misconduct & Accountability Mon, 23 Jun 2008 03:58:51 -0400
Indicted Chicago Cop Shines Light On Corruption http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/chicago-cop-reveals-corruption http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/chicago-cop-reveals-corruption

A former Chicago police officer charged with being part of a ring that falsely arrested and stole from drug dealers has detailed how the operation led to a plot to kill two colleagues, according to interview excerpts released on Friday. The scandal in the elite Special Operations Section helped lead to a change in the Chicago police department with the appointment of a new superintendent. In what was described as his first interview on the matter, FBI informant Keith Herrera told CBS' "60 Minutes" that pressure to get drug dealers and their guns off the streets led first to cutting corners and then to crime.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Michael Conlon, Reuters) Misconduct & Accountability Fri, 30 May 2008 08:00:00 -0400
Chicago Cops In Scandal Spotlight http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/chicago-cops-in-scandal-spotlight http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/chicago-cops-in-scandal-spotlight

A Chicago police internal affairs investigator has testified before a federal grand jury about a 2005 memo he wrote questioning whether his bosses ignored alleged misconduct that grew into one of the biggest corruption scandals to hit the Police Department, sources close to the investigation said. The sources said the investigator, Christopher Taliaferro, testified April 17 before a grand jury probing the Special Operations Section, an elite unit that had wide latitude to search for guns and drugs in gang-infested neighborhoods. Taliaferro's testimony indicates that federal authorities continue to investigate whether Police Department higher-ups, including internal affairs bosses, allowed SOS officers to incur hundreds of complaints of illegal searches and robberies without stopping them.

admin@knowmyrights.org (David Heinzmann, Chicago Tribune) Misconduct & Accountability Tue, 03 Jun 2008 23:37:53 -0400
Police Beating Suspects http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/police-caught-on-video-beating-suspects http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/police-caught-on-video-beating-suspects

Philadelphia city officials said Wednesday the beatings of three suspects, captured on video by a television news crew, were "unacceptable," and added officers' emotions are running high after the slaying of a sergeant last week. "We certainly are concerned about what we saw on the tape," Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey told reporters Wednesday afternoon. "The matter is being taken very seriously."

admin@knowmyrights.org (CNN) Misconduct & Accountability Thu, 08 May 2008 09:27:38 -0400
Door-To-Door Police Searches: Say NO! http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/door-to-door-police-searches-say-no http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/door-to-door-police-searches-say-no

The Metropolitan Police Department says that officers will go to Eckington, Columbia Heights, Washington Highlands (and possibly other neighborhoods) to ask residents' permission to search their homes.

They will ask residents to sign a consent form, which answers some questions but not others. But even though the form says that someone could be charged with a crime as the result of the search, too many people may not understand what is written or take the time to read the form carefully.

The ACLU-NCA, DC ACORN and our coalition partners such as AYUDA, the National Black Police Assn and Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO want to ensure that residents really understand the consequences of agreeing to a search and that they realize they have an absolute right to refuse -- without retaliation of any kind.

admin@knowmyrights.org (ACLU-NCA) Misconduct & Accountability Sun, 06 Apr 2008 07:26:25 -0400
Charges Dropped Against Seven Edison Students http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/charges-dropped-against-7-edison-students http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/charges-dropped-against-7-edison-students

Charges have been dropped against seven students for their role in a demonstration that got out of control at Miami's Edison High School.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Fox News, WSVN 7) Misconduct & Accountability Thu, 10 Apr 2008 09:10:35 -0400
Flier Blasts TSA Over Piercings Removal http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/tsa-piercing-removal http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/tsa-piercing-removal

A Texas woman who said she was forced to remove a nipple ring with pliers in order to board an airplane called Thursday for an apology by federal security agents and a civil rights investigation.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Greg Risling, Associated Press) Misconduct & Accountability Fri, 28 Mar 2008 01:06:37 -0400
Miami Youth Rally For Restorative Justice After Edison Attack http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/miami-youth-rally-for-restorative-justice http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/miami-youth-rally-for-restorative-justice

On Wednesday, March 5th, 4:00pm, Power U youth and others from Edison Senior High School will join together in front of the Miami Dade School Police Department at 6100 NW 2nd Avenue to protest the unfair arrests that happened Friday February 29th at Miami Edison, and to demand a completed feasibility study for Restorative Justice that was promised in January. This study and indecisive administration stand in the way of implementing Restorative Justice in schools.

The youth of Power U Center have been demanding the Miami Dade Schools to implement a program of Restorative Justice in the schools.

Restorative Justice is a form of problem and issue solving that provides everyone involved a voice, engaging the community in order to address the root of problems through dialogue.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Denise Perry, Power U) Misconduct & Accountability Wed, 19 Mar 2008 19:07:35 -0400
The REAL Story At Miami Edison Senior High School: Students Protest, Police Riot http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/students-protest-police-riot-at-miami-edison http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/students-protest-police-riot-at-miami-edison

Miami and Miami-Dade School police are rioting against students of Edison Senior High School on the morning of Friday, February 29th. The story is all over local and national news, but is being skewed against the students. Here is the real deal:

admin@knowmyrights.org (Max Rameau) Misconduct & Accountability Wed, 19 Mar 2008 17:51:37 -0400
Edison Students Blame Police Brutality For Melee http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/edison-students-blame-police-brutality-for-melee http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/edison-students-blame-police-brutality-for-melee

Classes have ended for the day at Miami Edison High School following a massive fight between police and students. Students claim they were attacked by police as they tried to stage a peaceful protest, but police say the students became unruly and attacked police officers, prompting a massive response.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Michael Williams, CBS-4) Misconduct & Accountability Wed, 19 Mar 2008 09:03:18 -0400
Baltimore Officer Suspended When Video Of Him Berating And Assaulting Child Skateboarders Surfaces On YouTube http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/baltimore-officer-suspended-for-attacking-child-skateboarders http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/baltimore-officer-suspended-for-attacking-child-skateboarders

The Baltimore Police Department suspended a police officer after a video surfaced on the Internet showing the officer berating two kids for skateboarding, putting one of them in a headlock, and pushing the boy on the concrete.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Melissa Underwood, Fox News) Misconduct & Accountability Wed, 19 Mar 2008 08:43:56 -0400
Sidewalk Chalk Artist Fights New York Police Harassment http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/artist-fights-nypd-harassment http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/artist-fights-nypd-harassment

As he crouched down on the Cobble Hill sidewalk, Ellis Gallagher used a piece of chalk to outline an elegant shadow cast by a streetlight. The 34-year-old artist is known in Brooklyn for his chalk outlines of mailboxes, fences, bicycles, and the like. On this October night, he was accompanied by a cameraman filming a profile of him for Channel 13's New York Voices (online at thirteen.org/nyvoices). Soon after the camera started rolling, Gallagher received his harshest review. A cop car rolled up, and the film crew caught bits of the conversation between two officers and Gallagher.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Maria Luisa Tucker, The Village Voice) Misconduct & Accountability Fri, 14 Mar 2008 22:24:55 -0400
Taser Stun Gun Death Captured On Video http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/taser-death-on-video http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/taser-death-on-video

Video footage has been released in Canada showing the last moments of an immigrant who died after being stunned with a Taser by police. Robert Dziekanski, 40, of Pieszyce, Poland, was killed by police after becoming agitated at Vancouver International Airport on 14 October. Mr Dziekanski, who spoke no English, was declared dead at the scene by an emergency medical team.

admin@knowmyrights.org (BBC News | Americas) Misconduct & Accountability Fri, 14 Mar 2008 22:09:31 -0400
UF Taser Incident Should Have Been Avoided, Says ACLU http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/aclu-uf-taser-incident http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/aclu-uf-taser-incident

The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida today expressed dismay at the circumstances surrounding a University of Florida Police Officer's use of a taser gun in the process of arresting a student at a speech by U.S. Senator John Kerry in Gainesville. The student, Andrew Meyer, was forcibly removed by campus police from a microphone where he was asking questions of Sen. Kerry.

Kerry can be heard expressing a desire to respond to Meyer's questions in videotape coverage of the campus incident, so the question becomes -- did police squander the free speech rights of both Kerry and Meyer?

admin@knowmyrights.org (Brandon Hensler, ACLU Florida) Misconduct & Accountability Fri, 14 Mar 2008 21:55:15 -0400
Arkansas Cop Cleared Of Choking Skateboarder http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/cop-cleared-of-choking-skateboarder http://www.knowmyrights.org/blog/misconduct-accountability/cop-cleared-of-choking-skateboarder

A police officer who appeared to choke a skateboarder and put two others in a headlock in a video posted online used appropriate force when making his arrests, an internal police investigation found.

The Hot Springs Police Department Internal Affairs Board found the use of force was within the police department's policy on non-deadly force and recommended "no changes to this policy." The decision was released Monday.

admin@knowmyrights.org (Jon Gambrell, Associated Press) Misconduct & Accountability Fri, 14 Mar 2008 21:45:10 -0400